Distilled Water VS Purified Water

August 22, 2016

Water that is treated by a water filter or purifier is similar to distilled water, but the main difference is in the filtration process.Distilled water is filtered by boiling water to separate the water molecules from contaminants and hard minerals. The pure water vapor is collected on one side of the water distiller and any other contaminants are left behind. A purification system uses various filters, reverse osmosis systems, and ion exchangers to block out impurities.If you are looking to choose a purification system for your home it is important to know the benefits and drawbacks of each method.

How Is Water Distilled?

The distillation process is used to separate a solution by adjusting the boiling temperature and capturing the steam that is made. Because specific liquids and solids have separate boiling points, distillation allows you to refine liquid solutions by separating the steam from the solution. The boiling temperature of methanol, ethanol, and water are all separate making distilling an efficient way to refine liquors and grain alcohols.

Can You Drink Distilled Water?

Distilled water is safe to drink. There are not any major drawbacks or health risks to drinking distilled water except you are not getting the added minerals that are naturally in tap water. Chemicals and minerals like calcium, fluoride, and magnesium are found in tap water and help maintain a healthy diet. These minerals will be left behind when water is distilled.

Benefits of Distilled Water

Purification and filtration systems are able to greatly reduce the contaminants in water, but distilled water will further the water quality. Distilled water is used in the medical and chemistry fields because it is pure and lacks any minerals or chemical contaminants. When water is needed in chemical reactions just the smallest amount of chlorides, hard minerals, or heavy metals can fail the experiment.Home water distillers are available to filter out any contaminants that are in your tap water. Water distillers are effective at making pure water, but water distillers are inefficient. Distillers take a lot of energy to heat which may not be the best option for your money. Home water distillers are also not made to produce the demand of a home's water usage and are intended for small batches.

Purified Water

Purified water is any water that has gone through a filtration process to get rid of any unwanted minerals, chemicals, or contaminants. Water purification systems are easy to install into your home water distribution and can keep up with water usage demand. Water can be purified in a variety of methods and some large bottled water manufacturers even use multiple steps to ensure certain purity levels.

How To Purify Water


Deionized water is free of any ions that naturally leach into water from the soil, pipes, and pollution. A water deionizer will run tap water through a negative and a positively charged resin filter. These resin filters are full of beads that will attract the ions of positive and negatively charged molecule contaminants.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a filtration process that pressurizes water and pushes it through an extremely fine filter. The filter will block out a wide selection of molecules including pollutants and organisms that are harmful to your health.

Water Softener

A water softener is a salt or potassium based ion exchange system that removes hard minerals. A soft water system can be used to filter out the basic and large minerals that are found in water. Hard water is harmful to your home's piping and appliances and will cause the build-up of hard mineral deposits.

Water Filter

Water filters are similar to reverse osmosis systems but have larger pores that allow water to move through with less pressure. Water filters are made to remove harmful viruses and organisms from a water source. water that is purified through a water filter will still have levels of minerals and chemicals in it. Water filters are used to purify spring water and other sources that are intended to have a high mineral content. Bottled spring water is said to have many benefits for your health and usually filtered rather than put through intensive purification processes.

Water Quality Factors

Water quality is measured as a ratio of soluble minerals and other chemicals to the water. A city's drinking water system is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and requires city purification plants to maintain a certain water quality. If you home is on a public water distribution system you should learn more about how to read a water quality report.

Water Quality Testing

You can inspect the quality of water yourself with some test kits available at hardware stores. You should practice caution with some water quality tests because often the tests are not accurate. At Jason's Water Softeners we offer a free water test. Our water quality test will cover basic quality factors that will help you determine if your water is safe and the testing of your tap water to determine which system would be best for you.If you have any questions about your water quality and how we can help you improve it, contact Jason's Water today.

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